Could You Mortgage Application Benefit from a Broker?

At Mortgage Broker Melbourne we understand more than most just how one-sided an application can feel. As a borrower, you will undoubtedly need to answer questions, provide documents and offer up a host of information relating to your financial earnings and expenses. This can feel like the success of your application is completely on you, […]

How Detrimental Can a Rejected Mortgage Application Be?

As a potential applicant you’ll most likely understand that there are only two ways that your mortgage application can go. If everything is in order and you’ve made a point of properly preparing your documentation (and possibly hired the services of a broker), then there should be no reason why you wouldn’t be approved. But […]

What Are the Differences Between Brokers and Loan Officers?

With so many lenders now having to compete with one another in an attempt to obtain a fresh influx of customers, there’s never been a better time to apply for a mortgage. Australia is one of the only countries to feature a debt ceiling and as a result, the government is able to moderate what […]

Choosing a Mortgage Broker

Although there might be those with the financial backing to be able to purchase their first home outright; others will typically need to save for years, or take a shortcut and apply to banks and lenders for help with obtaining the financial support that they require. When it comes to applying for a home loan, […]

Why Use a Mortgage Broker?

Approaching a bank with the intention of applying for a mortgage can be quite an intimidating task, especially with the variety of documentation, records and other formal paperwork that needs to be submitted. A lender won’t just want to know about the applicant’s financial history; they will also want to work out the likelihood of […]